Quick and Dirty CAD modeling to get you up and running FAST.
01. Fusion 360 CAD design of aluminum stock. https://youtu.be/zCzrNISQKH4
02. Stock set up and WCS https://youtu.be/6UgqQSq2exA
03. Facing operation https://youtu.be/2v2rM8oHAFc
04. 2d Profile https://youtu.be/85JxO1CUink
05. Re-re-re-re-re-installing post processor https://youtu.be/ejjXu_SyuNw
06. 5 axis positioning https://youtu.be/lVisKaMM38g
07. 2d Adaptive Roughing https://youtu.be/LFM4jtLIWj0
08. 2d Profile https://youtu.be/sNzjytq6tU8
09. 2d Pocket for O-rings https://youtu.be/ZrIH9TasOlU
10. 2d Contour slitting saw https://youtu.be/tbiZaSW1BSc
11. 2d Chamfer https://youtu.be/A2gI-pdfwN8
12. Multiple WCS different parts at the same time https://youtu.be/JVgkXL1-1FA
01. Fusion 360 CAD design of aluminum stock. https://youtu.be/zCzrNISQKH4
02. Stock set up and WCS https://youtu.be/6UgqQSq2exA
03. Facing operation https://youtu.be/2v2rM8oHAFc
04. 2d Profile https://youtu.be/85JxO1CUink
05. Re-re-re-re-re-installing post processor https://youtu.be/ejjXu_SyuNw
06. 5 axis positioning https://youtu.be/lVisKaMM38g
07. 2d Adaptive Roughing https://youtu.be/LFM4jtLIWj0
08. 2d Profile https://youtu.be/sNzjytq6tU8
09. 2d Pocket for O-rings https://youtu.be/ZrIH9TasOlU
10. 2d Contour slitting saw https://youtu.be/tbiZaSW1BSc
11. 2d Chamfer https://youtu.be/A2gI-pdfwN8
12. Multiple WCS different parts at the same time https://youtu.be/JVgkXL1-1FA
Yes and I can manually put a piece old stock in the vice, G-Code in a quickie manual entry program… push the start button… and the machine finishes the part.. and an done before your video end, OR before you have finished your design… and program. And, made six others too before your video ends.
did these just dropp on the ole youtube? i didnt get em on me feed and theres an extreme lack of views and commentos
Until they get the drawing environment up to snuff though, it’s a kinda doubling your work.
I had to learn this hellscape of a program last year, I won an innovation award for what I made with it, which now sits very comfortably in a trophy case at my high school. NIGHTMARE.
Use "e" for extrude.
I'm sorry. What?
Pressing 'r' is great for quickly selecting the rectangle tool, 'c' for circle, 'l' for line and 'e' for extrude. I'm sure there are other shortcuts, though I'm all but unaware of them.
Thank you for doing this
I have a free fusion 360 but I get confused because I learned cad 20 years ago. Surfing the ol interweb years ago I found the cad program I'm use to using, but current year, that fell off the back of a truck. Later that day I found a cam program that ran away from a, at the time, high end cam company. It reminds me of the saying. Old dogs don't learn new dicks. Something like that anyway. Hope Richard Less at auto desk reads this.
More advice! Start sketch in the center of origin as it will make things easier in assemblys but for cnc it doesn't matter that much
Turn the net off when using fusion, it only needs the net for a couple of things when you want updates is one of them.
Easy orbit – hold shift and click/hold scroll wheel, mouse move up/down moves along latitude, mouse move left/right moves along longitude.
You sound like Cave Johnson.
Wow, fastest most to the point tutorial I’ve seen. Thanks, this is how I like to learn. No minutia to confuse my hurting brain.
Or you could get Inventor which does almost exactly the same thing locally. It is very expensive but…. I'm sure there is a Torrent of solutions for that problem wink wink nudge nudge
That being said though, their constraint system is a clunky embarrassment and a pain in the posterior to work with. They really should take a very hard look at how FreeCAD handles it to see how it should be properly done.
Go to Ave's playlist for these, don't make yourself click around every 2 minites