I was curious if compliant structures made by Dr. Larry Howell could be adapted to different forms and materials. Yes, as long as the material is plastic. It doesn't work for metal; the geometries are completely different. Here's the file if you want to print your own Harambe bustin' nuts https://www.patreon.com/posts/28123420
Isn't the desktop catapult that you sold years ago a compliant mechanism?
Is this guy retarded? I heard he's Canadian, maybe why he's babbling uncomprehensible babble
I see ave has been watching the uncle Rodger
I realize it’s a full bathroom remodeling. But man the cut from “this is an unflattering outlet” to you absolutely demolishing the entire bathroom is hilarious.
couldn't understand a single fuckin word.
Your splain-nation is great. Shoulders of Giants
I found your github
LOL "Two hundred pound gorilla busting a nut" OMG AvE is hilarious
Funny Video, bad execution, there is lot's of people using EDM machines to build compliant mechanisms out of metal for bery useful APLOcations
You made it wrong…
You're an ignorant rambling fool. No need to say anything further. I'm sure you know this already. This is clearly a troll video.
wow, crazy, its almost like when you make a different design, it does different things.
You should a mechanical engineer to medel this In FEA software, like Ansys… make decent calculation and you will be much better than trying on models…
Gaaah! I really am interested in a lot of the topics Veritasium makes videos about, but I'd have to gauge my eyes out and bleach and burn them after every video to get sleezynes out so I only watch the ones I think may contain information what would otherwise be hard or a hassle to come by.. And I do not mean this at all personally, I't a condition I have and the medication is.. It's just too hard to take at this age. You'll understand, I'm sure 😉