What is going on over at FAP-OFF?!

Gentlemans Welcome back to the shop! Happy new beer! I Got a rete slid into my stocking for Christmas 38 Drive The stapon cost but an arm and a dick 200 kenui Stan Copex roughly plus a trudo sock fund ain't cheap I'm really disappointed with the quality spelled with a KW look at how muddled mushy that branding is. carved that out with a dull Beaver as a compare and contrast. here's the NEOS NEOS Japanese Here's the new muddled Snap-on barely Focus you here's the Mac nice and sharp. Here's an older Snap-on of the same vintage.

Roughly, it's a little bit muddled as well, but not not near as bad as the brand new one. Here's an older half in noce and to here's a newer half in not quite as toght but this one. They ought to have thrown that carbide cutter out years ago. Now where's the quality Control man? Look at that.

You barely see it. It's so muddled. Oh on the handle, these letters are roll formed and they're far more crisp and sharp than on the head. Let's have a look inside and see if there's anything ugly in there.

This is the 80 to dual contact ratchet Real Slim Line head. It's the same size as the Mac thin and quite Skookum as well. I Haven't been able to break one the the only time we had trouble with this new style ahead is when they first come out and the Fasteners were too small. This plate was flexing and everything was flexing a little bit sidewards.

So if you had one of those brand new off the truck when they first come out, uh, they changed all of those out to a newer style with bigger Fasteners Oh nice. So blue, lock tight and they're threaded into the head normally they be previous iterations like H they be through hold and then thread into the basil plattin. no longer. Okay so the gear and the drive has a little quad ring on it.

This would all be heat treated, good quality steel, likely hard as a coffin nail, quite hard. and Slick Here's the centered and metal injection molded. This is a powdered metal and then centered together. These are the PS Look at the amount of meat there considering how much reefing action they get.

I mean it's it's really quite. It's quite miraculous that these stand up the forward to reverse actuator again another metal injection molded part. I Don't believe this would be quite as hard. Yeah, that's quite a bit softer than the PS.

Here's the on ORF selector if you f thank you Diecast aluminum and it's got a little o-ring around there just to keep out the big chunks of Shmo Just recently learned why we say on why do you say on when you flick a switch it goes on because the city of Heliopolis in ancient Egypt Healey is the sun opis like Metropolis City So city of the Sun in Aramaic was called on and this was the the the well the seat of the god of the sun that that turns light or Darkness into light. You know vice versa. So when we flick on the switch, we are invoking the name of an ancient Sun deity. Amazing, Who knew? Here's the Machining of the head.
It's good. and they have some real small abrasive media that they tumble this in or vibrate this in in order to clean it. It likely be a wet media you can see. The Machining is very very good.

So why is this so terrible? I'm wondering if they machine this lettering in and then they abrasively tumble it and it gets muddled that way. Or if it's a collection of things that the cutter had a busted little bit off of it and then they, yeah, it's just not. It's just not that something going on. They need to fix that.

That's not good, Not good enough for a $200 ratchet. Thanks for watching. Keep your dick in Aice.

By AvvE

12 thoughts on “Boltr: snap-on ratchet”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @curtmcbee2238 says:

    This a great argument for why an AR/AK leaning against the nightstand is far better than a pistol in the top drawer of the nightstand – regardless of caliber

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jaceski5806 says:

    We gotta put all the illegals from central america somewhere

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Mechanical_Mind says:

    Muddled branding… really?? Just looking for something to talk about

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @philthoreau6412 says:

    Ever chromed anything on on Harley, that wasn't chromed before.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @AIRJordan0225 says:

    You should go to Open Sauce in one of those inflatable dinosaur costumes to preserve your anonymity

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @mpschaefer1 says:

    And why "off" ? AVE is shorting us on our worldly knowledge lesson😀🤔

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Cleatus546 says:

    Snap-on is an overpriced joke for suckers.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jaredcollemacine8286 says:

    I tried gear wrench ratchets about 2 years ago…beat on them with hammers, use the old pipe extender trick and still no skipping teeth for a fraction of the cost

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @MrKdobbins says:

    Was it cut or is it a stamping on the head. Questions?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @nickoshey says:

    Who knew while we where leaning on the water cooler gabbin like old washer women that we'd be enlightened as to the ancient diety 'on' and find out that fap-on quality could be better. I mean they gotta save a nickel & a dime here n there

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @emvkissack says:

    What does BOLTR mean?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jimalton1564 says:

    As a wrench turner for several decades I've mostly given up on fap-off. Quality is becoming more hit or miss. I pay extra so that tools don't break as easily. I can buy much cheaper lifetime warranty stuff from many places now, I pay for the tool truck stuff because I can't afford tool downtime while I run out to exchange a tool. When those expensive tools start dropping in quality closer to the chain store brand stuff, there is less reason to pay the premium.

    The real thing that makes me sad is how fap-off "lifetime" warranty is so hit or miss. Depending on who your tool guy is, that warranty could be a true forever, for any reason; or it could be until he feels the tool is too old and doesn't want to warranty it any more; or maybe you didn't buy it from HIM, but rather from another tool guy at a previous job; or maybe he feels you abused it and just refuses to warranty it. I've run into each scenario. The one that angers me the most was a set of molded plastic hammers I bought around 25 years ago. The plastic started drying and the handles and even some heads of the dead blows cracked on each and every hammer. They were less than ten years old, and the seat cost a bit over $400 then…and is around $800 today. Warranty refused because it had to be abuse (a couple of those hammers had NEVER been used!). Lifetime warranty tool box drawer slides…nope, not covered because the box is old (purchased in the late 1990s). I have several tools at work that are broken and I bought other brands to replace them, including a 1/2" drive and a long handle 3/8" drive ratchet, because the guy keeps making excuses (oops, don't have that on my truck for the 3/8…for a year and a half. It just needs a rebuild!) or "That is a vintage ratchet, don't have parts for that any more, can't help you" for my 30 year old 1/2" drive.

    There is more to a tool than just "quality"…there is also "value". Is it worth paying the extra for? I used to say yes. Now I say no, when I can buy a ratchet from Home Depot or even Harbor Freight and when it breaks I can run a half mile down the street and exchange it with no questions asked during my lunch break, rather than wait until Friday, find out he has to order it (IF he'll cover it), and wait another 2 weeks or more to actually get it.

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