Raised garden bed plow for vegetables. Tiny tractor time with Tommy Took-a-Look guest starring The Chump!

Gentlemen, welcome back to Farm Fiber Cobbling 101 I Don't have a disc harrow or one of them fancy things. What? for the thing making your wife's beautiful Mounds for sticking vegetables in your dirty minds? mild Steel cause them hardwood dowels don't weld for as it happens, it starts across Friday Also known as around Friday Never fails, but some clipboard warrior in the office sales department missed purchases some steel. What the hell you gonna do with this? That's just like prescription drugs. You got to rotate your inventory.

It goes bad so you're welcome. We're doing somebody a favor by disappearing. This son of them ain't shy of getting the job done. I Know how your wife feels.

Same same flipper around. Take it from the back side. look at this. I was going to test fit it but no need five feet.

what are the odds? I've seen your browser history on the subject of drilling I Got a couple old bold tricks for you. Of course with the pilot drill, you give her a full Chooch As fast as she'll suffer, not as torky as she'll suffer, might as fast as she'll And this, this drill ain't no joke. It will twist you up like a pretzel girthier is a bit of more torque you want. You're gonna change gears, but we'll just change this into two.

It's a lot slower and a lot tortier too. We're almost to the end of the hole. There's not much meat left in there. This is when the drill really wants to bind up.

If you got to drill lots of holes throughout your whole life, you don't want. You don't want to be doing the old egg beater routine on the end of a whole Hawk and now we're through. You can see it's getting real sharp there. What you do is you change back to high speed, high speed, low torque and you just finger to throttle nice and easy.

and that way there's not enough torque on the drill to spin your right round. I'm doing this with the one hand mind because I'm cupping your head in my other hand. here. that's pretty.

You see that getting hung up. but what? I wanted to show you I'll have to do it with two hands so I have to put you down at the end of the hole. If you just ease up on the torque, ease up on the throttle, ease up on the feed pressure, then you never got to worry about shattering your drill bit. I Hear a question from the Stoners at the back of the class? Why not just leave it in high gear all the time Because the drill bit will overheat.

You'll lose your Cutting Edge because you're cutting too fast. What you're looking for is good feed pressure and a nice chip. Just like that when you're getting tiny little slivers, you're not getting the most out of your. Cutting Edge It'll do it, but it might only do one hole.

Just kind of come along these together so we get the right spacing. JT bag a little bit tighter on one and tether. That's why God made Miner's wrenches yeah Uncle Donny reverse action click bear with me. We got a roller and flower find the wet spot Jam that tractor and I think somewhere conveniently located by my beautiful display of Festool sustainers drive by Braille You hear the crunch I Know it shouldn't come down, but now we're sure it won't come down.
I'm gonna help you to what's going on prior to farm welding roulette that is, are we going to run out of wire gas or is the power gonna go out first? Who can say this guy, huh? It's gonna be a bit of a snow plow effect because the dirt will start piling up as it squeezes. And then it occurs to me if I ever took this off, she's spraying and never get back on. So I'm gonna run a strut just a little wee one from there to there. Well, maybe maybe a little beefier.

a little bit beefier from there to there and then we'll have a nice chunk of flat bar on top there. Just smooth it right out. Well it's completely wrong today. it's the drive roll slipping something new, the sake of the Professionals in the crowd welders mine, not the other kind.

Save you the sympathetic embarrassment to watching me welds. Suffice it to say, bigger the guy the better the job. We'll back off this car. Wheel race helper all right.

Fool me once. Shame on me. Fool me twice. You ain't gonna fool me again.

We're going to test this out prior to making it all. Kubota Pink It's tough getting that paint off after you, so we'll just make sure it works. This is a point in my afternoon when I tell you what a rousing success this has been. However, I realized that I'm a little bit too invested.

Is she a tea bag? but not gonna make the cover of Better Homes and Gardens with Snoop dogging Martha Stewart It just came out to tell you that it's correct. no time. Oh, now you're speaking my language. Cafe Correcto.

Well, thank you. The secret to a well-groomed plot is rototilling. as you heard, Baby Doll, it works a lot better if you give her a little floor play beforehand, fluff a fluffer, he fluffed it up with a rototiller and yeah, works like a hot damn. You get that nasty oval, Get it? I Hate picking rocks.

The mouse. Everybody hates picking rocks the most. It's my job to torture you as much as is legal. I Don't want the world to chew you up and spit you out.

Pick those rocks. suffer. It's not even sunny out at times. I Do love you but sometimes I don't today I Don't love you I ain't here to be your friend.

suffer. Oh, it works. A tree to put a little scarifier in there. and I'm gonna put a little stabulator in board on that if I had some disc arrows I'd Also extra moldboard bull board.

Just about time for the family Barbecue I'm not sure if I'm allowed to this one neighbor says to me says I sure love Oma's ass pick I says pardon the Tomato ass pick your Oma makes it's delicious Um hey your wife I heard she had somebody over the other day to plow or plot Isis pardon yeah he says I Drove past him, she was getting pretty heated. You need to plow a little deeper John Deere Snapshot: Lose flurry to the solar plexus. Hooked to the liver, he's going down down. Uppercut speed bag in the air Uppercut speed bag Uppercut speed bag I Look around for the white towel speed.
There was teeth and lips. every word. How's that for almost pick ass. Ever since I've been a champ.

Thank you Foreign.

By AvvE

16 thoughts on “Ol’ farmer contraption: better beds”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Low Tide Boyz says:

    sundays are for pickin stones.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Meaghan McDermott says:

    that sass though haha. keep up the good work papa bear

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars spence brooks says:

    Remember kids rocks are like hitch hikers if you don’t make eye contact you don’t gotta pick em up 😂

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D Hawthorne says:

    Rock farmer, a noble profession.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Bergmann says:

    I used to make out the limestone rocks were gold

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roy Bentley says:

    Sundays are for picking stones!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt Heffelfinger says:

    It's a hard life, picking stones and pulling teats, but sure as god's got sandals, it beats fighting dudes with treasure trails

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Duwe says:

    Dog enters the scene all cute with his stuffy, then goes on to stand there and supervise the rock picking chain gang.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam and Cocoa says:

    lol, don't show my wife this one. she'l have me doing the same thing.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sean Tucker says:

    I can feel like a total fuck up down on myself and just watch one of your shows man you pick me right up lmao. We do sort of same job and have acquired about the same bullshit scrap. Can hear my wife giggle from down the hall when she hears your voice and jokes. Keep your dick in a vise lmao. Good day sir

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Baird says:

    "It"s not my job to be your friend." The best thing you can tell your child, and some day they will understand, and respect you for it!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars wickedxe says:

    Watching you do quality work and then speak absolute utter (probably offensive, but not at all to me) nonsense makes me feel right at home; every day at home I finish a complicated project with my catch phrase: "Never take a good bowel movement for granted or else you could end up like me drinking too much beer and then you'll never again trust a fart"

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars New Jargon says:

    How many times do I have to tell ya, don't look up when I'm drilling down.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt Wells says:

    Stoner thanks ya

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean Ax says:

    feels like it became regular car reviews at the end there

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SCE to Aux says:

    Rock picking, hoeing 1800 linear feet of sweet corn in the midday sun, helping grandpa sling 3" diameter 20' long irrigation pipe sections, shoveling 100 chickens worth of 💩 out of a tar paper roofed tin shack in 95 degree heat… Made all the little stuff my peers got worked up over seem pretty silly, and there's nothing quite like bacon and eggs what was grown less than 100ft from where you're eating it.

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