Old school chat around the fire. Now with more dick jokes!

Welcome back to the shop I Invite you to pull up a stump around the fire. We're going to explore the real reason Friday The 13th is unlucky in our Collective Bumble We tear down interesting tits of Kit right down to bits to understand the complex hole. This deconstructionalism. Yeah, not the complex hole in the Freudian slip of the tongue and bunk, hey, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

So let's tear down this utterly bizarre and frankly, occult fascination with Friday The 13th. I'll open a portal of synchronicities obscured by our empirical ignorance ignorance, you ask? Yeah. Superstition It can't be explained by scientific empiricism because science, as espoused by the likes of Newton or bacon is a measurement of natural phenomena. scientitious measurement.

What affords the building of a model, a mental model of the world. The problem with science is you need to measure the natural world with the proper scale. So he says to mod I says how fast is the Millennium Falcon Well, it'll do the Kessel Run in 1.21 gigawatts if you use the wrong scale. or if you need a unit it hasn't been invented yet.

you get nonsense and you got to ignore the answer. It's a divide by zero type deal, doesn't fit the model. You must ignore it or the scientific model collapses under the weight of its own suppositions. Is it a wave or is it a particle? It's neither.

It's both. Well, the answer is, it depends on the Observer. That's critical. Hey, what size door do you want for your cabin? 20 kilograms? Science is measurement and some things can't be measured.

Recall that all models are wrong. However, some are useful. so we'll use an esoteric model to explain the bad juju. What is Friday the 13th Jesus the Messiah to some.

had 12 buddies over for supper and it kind of got into some heavy which is transmortified now into the most important Catholic ritual that is transubstantiation of the host into the Eucharist the body and blood of Christ which is consumed in a austere and contemplative sacred cannibalism as elapsed. Catholic Sidebar communion is really weird, but weirder still is witnessing your own father call a late and pedophilic narcissist with the honorific father that is a 20-something seminarian with a fetish for resplendent regalian. Dagon Fish Hats buddy, You ain't anybody's father, let alone my father's father. The there's some yeah.

Back to the Last Supper 12 Apostles and Jesus makes the 13th for the crowd Thrice he was betrayed the New Testament Last Supper narrative parallels with the Norse myth. The Norse Viking myth of Boulder Freya the mother goddess now cloying and overbearing to her beautiful son balder. The Golden Boy I will always love you, but you can never leave me a fearing Boulders Continually dreaming of his death now the annihilation Drive the death drive we see in everyday life And boys of narcissistic mothers, We see a boy with no regard for his own safety. an utter lack of Consciousness stumbling Old Fall is self-destructive adrenaline junkie.
Some some mummy issues there Freya AKA Friga AKA Venus The God of love, beauty, sex and fertility extracts from every being an oath not to harm her. dear. Golden Boy Balder in exchange for what I ask what's the quid pro quo? There is none. It's a threat.

so she sows the seeds of her son's own. Doom yes, I swear I won't harm balder brackets. But you damn sure somebody will don't threaten me so that 12 main Norse gods get together to Marvel at Boulders invulnerability bruh. Let me shoot this apple off your head.

It's just a 22. Loki Arrives late the 13th Loki The ever jealous trickster jealousy is the drive of malicious tricksters. You'll see this in your everyday life. I'm smarter than you.

How come nobody likes me? So I seditiously shame and humiliate you to subjugate my own humiliation and shame they're projecting. Loki discovers in Freya's own hubris she neglected the holly tree in her own words. What possible harm could the lowly holly plant do to my perfect balder boy? Now the trickster makes an arrow of Holly And knowing the secret, he must not kill Balder lest he be punished. So he enlists the AIDS of Baldur's brother a blind God hod of night and darkness.

knowledge obscure the occult. He fires the Holy Arrow and kills bald or stoned dead. Unlucky. Now the etymology of the word luck is itself obscure, but I assert it's from a Germanic bastardization of Loki Lucky.

So when the 13th visits on Friday Frigas Day in Germanic or in Latin Venus's day, bad happens. Now that's a myth, a model and it's wrong, but it is useful. The reason Friday the 13th is unlocking Now this has been suppressed and that is a cult, but it lies in historical fact. We'll pick up the thread with the building of the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem Solomon the wise tenth son of King David built a great Temple to house the Ark of the Covenant two stone tablets of the Ten Commandments a aerons rod and a pot of Mana in that resplendent golden Ark Solomon was a magi, a magician We read in the wisdom of Solomon and the King James Bible I'm paraphrasing for memory.

here. he hath given me certain knowledge Nature's creatures, diversity of plants and Roots the reasonings of men all such things secret or manifest I know them Solomon Notices during the construction of the temple, a handsome Masters work boy withering away queried, the youth explains he's plagued by a demon who steals half his ration and comes by night to suck his soul out of his right thumb. He's not actually talking about a thumb. The Solomonic texts are generally in Greek ancient Greek and in Greece.

Now in a lot of Europe To give someone the Fig is like telling like flipping them the bird. it's offensive with the thumb tucked between the finger. it's the vajayjay and Dingus mid-coitus or as you fellow husbands and fathers of young children and no coitus, interrupt Us by coincidence my son's middle name. So when the Jinn comes by night to suck the soul wink, wink, nudge nudge of the boy's right thumb, he is neither sucking soul, no nor thumb.
If at first you don't succeed, keep sucking till you do succeed. Also, that's where the word sycophant comes from. The Greek meaning one who reveals figs get the out of here. basically waste of spaces you give the finger to, they reveal the figs Solomon beseeches to Geody and Geode sends down the Archangel Michael gives him a Ving with a seal on it.

the Seal of Solomon to bind the demon plaguing the boy. Solomon Devises a plan that night. When the demon comes to suck the lads thumb, he's to throw the ring into the Demon's chest, thereby binding him now bound. and Drug Before Solomon interrogated, the demon reveals his true name.

He's a nonce, a pedophile, his name means vexing. Frustrating Solomon and puts him to work building the Temple trimming stones with iron utensils. Demons and iron do not get along well and the demon bulks doesn't want to do that job. Beseeches Solomon but if he doesn't have to touch the iron of which he is so very afraid of, he will bring a host of demons to be bound and complete the temple.

At one point Solomon binds the prince of demons himself so as demonstrated, the Seal of Solomon is a powerful symbol and we'll chat about that in the future. He goes on to bind a host of bad guys to build the temple and these deals with the devil. They're not without cost. It ain't nothing in this world for free.

Solomon is corrupted and he turns away from Hashem The Tetragrammatron 26 the God of his fathers Thou Shalt not marry former women. They will certainly turn your heart to other gods. Solomon Had 700 princesses, 300 concubines, and sure enough, his wives turned his heart. Uh, one of Solomon's wives was the Queen of Sheba who whose line extends to the emperor Haley Selassie the Ethiopian.

He was born in 1892. it's the second coming of Christ according to the Rastafari the lion of Judah the Iron Lion of Zion according to Bob Marley The Book of Exodus Chapter 20 Verse 5 for I the Lord your God am a jealous God Just a little sidebar here. You can't be jealous if you're the only one in existence. I'm just saying so.

Solomon He turned to worshiping moloch to please his wives and Leviticus says paraphrasing: let not thy seed pass through the fire of moloch Pagan Priests would light a fire in the seven chambered bullheaded bronze statue. Once it was good and hot, they would roast male and female human babies. Yeah, not cool man. not cool On a lighter note, after seven years of demonic slave labor, Solomon completed the temple.

Slid the Ark of the Covenant into the holiest of holies. Sacrifice: 22 000 oxen, a hundred and twenty thousand sheep and gold are good I was around 1000 BC Now Chris isn't the first temple pun intended. It was destroyed in 500 BC by Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon The of: Babel Well suffice it to say Solomon was a debauched magician an author. His catalog of occult magic, demons, and motorcycle repair are still referenced to this day, both in literary form and graphic design.
The Lesser Seal of Solomon the hexagram which is a powerful tool for interpreting the world. Hermes Tribes that follow As Above So Below We will get into that, but suffice it to say, the wisdom of Solomon is very powerful for interpreting the world. Fast forward 1099. Crusaders Approached Jerusalem The Egyptian Governor orders livestock driven away and the wells poisoned.

Additionally, nobody warned the Crusaders in heavy European clothing and armor that it's hot in Palestine Barren of trees near Jerusalem with no prospects for resupply and no timber for Siege Engines the Holy Roman Warriors Were after six weeks of Siege outside the walls of Jerusalem Broiling in physical discomfort, word came that a host was marching from Cairo to break the siege. Demoralized facing Annihilation from Cairo, the Crusaders fasted and prayed for three days in humility. They trod unshod the perimeter walls of the Holy City while it Egyptian Defenders pissed on them, pissed on crosses defiling their holy symbols to goad the pious. Knights This was a brilliant distraction as a surge of Craftsmen finished the construction of Siege Towers The trees had been carried from the coast on the backs of Muslim slaves 60 men to a tree over rough grounds some 100 clicks away.

Siege Towers rolled into place Crusaders poured into Jerusalem piously butchering man, woman and child. One report to the Pope at know that in the Portico of Solomon and in the temple, our men rode through the unclean blood of saracens which came up to the knees of our horses. That is a gory. Temple There was a rumor circulated that Muslims swallowed their gold as the surest way to hide it.

Thereafter, disemboweling became economical practice at once torture and treasure hunt. After the loot dispersed, the money really started pouring in. Pilgrims to the Holy Land required sucker. It took about a couple decades in their well-established crusaders had a bustling business.

The Knights Hospitaler decided they'd do more than provide lodging to pilgrims. They would fight to defend the Holy Land At the same time, that same year, the poor fellow Soldiers of Christ and the Temple of Solomon that's a Mouthful was established to protect pilgrims. The Knights Templar as they became known in their white robes emblazoned with red Maltese crosses swore never to remove their lambskin girdles, a symbol of their chastity. In the intervening 200 years, the Templar order came to hold over 9 000 manners, the width and breadth of Europe plus Mills and foundries and markets.

Over twenty thousand initiates vowed poverty, bequeathing their lands and money to their glorious order. The Templars grew and grew and grew. They built strongholds and commissioned ships to move pilgrims, men and material. They became de facto Bankers Rich.
Pilgrims would deposit their money lest it be stolen during their travels, and the Templars took contracts for tax collection. They issued paper money honored at any Templar stronghold. They made loans to every Sovereign and potentate in Europe. By the 1300s, the Templars were suffering from bureaucratic bloat.

The commander at the time Jacques de Malad decided another Crusade would shake the complacency of the order. The previous one, ninth and final Crusade was some 30 years. Well, let's say 33 years flower of Nar. Previous one such potentate who took loans from the Templars was the most powerful Regent in Christendom King Philip IV His kingdom of France owed 17 percent of government revenue to the Templars.

He was, in fact, he had fought a war with England and turned King Edward into a vassal. The powerful Templars were beyond the reach of secular Kings. They were answerable only to the throne of Saint Peter That is the Vicar of Christ that the Pope and the Vicar of Christ means the proxy. It would be a replacement on Earth for the Christ which is quite odd.

but in any case, the Templars got pissed off with Pope Boniface the seventh and they got with King Philip the fourth to knock off Pope Boniface in order to installate a puppet pope. Now the puppet Pope sitting on the throne of Saint Peter by virtue of some backdoor Shenanigans by the king of France wasn't very well liked in Rome so he had to abscond to Avignon Newcastle of the Pope sounds like a Cut Rate logger, but Chateau neft you pop I assure you is a beautiful wine, fabulously rich and Powerful the Knights of the temple owed Allegiance only to the pope, not in Rome but in Avignon they were answerable to no. King Despite having strongholds throughout, Europe King Philip of France devised a plan wherein he not only would default on his loans to the Templars, he would also steal all of their lands and guilt. He did that by having a pope in his pocket.

It was great. Fanfare and By Invitation Marseille He was on a mission to secure approval from the new pope for another Crusade Domola refused to travel incognito despite the new Pope's requests, he proceeded to the Paris temple with 60 attendant Templar their Squires 150 gold Florin on 12 pack Horses The Trap was set King Philip fatted the oblivious Templars and on Thursday October 12 1307 the 70 year old Templar Grand Master was amongst the highest nobility in all of Europe. The orders were unsealed and read out to be enforced on the following morning, endorsed by Pope Clement V The Templars were charged with heresy, sodomy, obscene kisses that is initiates. They were obliged to kiss the master on the mouth, the anus, the navel and the tip of the dingus.
That's a cult tantric sex magic. We it's still in existence today. Chili Peppers Blood Sugar Sex Magic Suck My Kiss the the Dalai Lama asking some innocent Indian boy to suck his tongue. These ideas go way way back on Friday October The 13th every Templar in France was betrayed by the pope and King Philip they were clapped in irons and tortured.

The region legally sees the heretical lands and money. He annulled his debts and hunted the Templars into Legend Grand Master of the Templars burned at the stake at the ripe old age of 77. this is at a time when the average lifespan was 40. the Templar shared a single Bowl between two partners practicing fasting and marshall training on The Daily.

So if you want to live long, stay skinny and exercise surprise surprise. and there's also speaking of burning at the stake, there's a nasty epithet for homosexual men. It's now in disuse. Friday the 13th casts a long Shadow and that epithet that's still with us today comes from the burning at the stake of the Knights Templar Revenge is a dish best served ice cold during the French Revolution King Louis XVI of the House of Bourbon.

That's the cadet line of the House of Cape. those are direct descendants. Philip IV King Louis Was imprisoned during the French Revolution Arrested and imprisoned at the Paris temple built by the Knights Templar in the 12th century. Louis was arrested.

it's the 13th day of August 1792. unfortunately it was a Monday.

By AvvE

17 thoughts on “Why is friday 13th is bad luck?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Hubbard says:

    I call it stupidsticion, my mother is superstitious and is always telling me this wacko shit

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dts57835 says:

    Solomons writings, indeed the while of the Old Testament are originally Hebrew and Aramaic. The "testament of Solomon" from which you get the bulk of this story is not cannonical. No judeo christian group that i know of regards it as anything more than another gnostic creation to bolster their claims to "special knowledge".

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Falcon Fabrication says:

    But did you save the drowning wasp?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lucius Sulla says:

    Got myself balls deep in to Thomas Asbridge's "The Crusades" driving over near Manning Park to do some grouse hunting for a few nights last month on the 13th, makes this even more interesting… which also reminds me the first sip of wine I ever had at 12 years old was in France at the Chateauxneuf du pape vineyard, funny how things cross paths even if it's only in my head.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scotty Mac 22 says:

    I would pay to hear you give Bible readings/ historical world theology lessons

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KiwiStyles says:

    Boniface Vlll not seventh

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KiwiStyles says:

    King Phillip IV; owed them too much money so he thought if I can get rid of them my debt goes away but couldn't do it alone, he had to get approval from the Pope Clement V who was related to King Phillip. Clement wrote the Papal Bull Pastoralis praeminentiæ and from that Bull the arrest of the Knights Templar(Temple) and the confiscation of their possessions, which you point out was on Friday Oct 13th 1307. They found refuse in two countries Scotland and Switzerland and 400 years later the Jesuits were created by Pope Paul III, Francis Borja and the Jesuits supreme commander Ignatius of Loyola, which are the Knights Templars rebranded.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Caleb Hille says:

    "economical practice"

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cannab-al says:

    my sister and mom were both borm on a Friday the 13th, just not the same month. Needless to say, neither have the best of luck

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars milesjwade says:

    The 13th day of a month is most likely to be a Friday

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shaun Best says:

    More people have been killed arguing over Jesus than any other God. Christianity was spread by a homosexual tyrant known as Alexander the great. How can any religion other than the original Sanatana Dharma be correct? Of course there were motives for rulers to force sheeple in to worshipping false Gods to control them sheeple. Much more easily done when they are following a book which makes no sense. Your soul is eternal by nature and doesn't need a Jesus to save it from anything. "Friday the 13th" sounds a lot better than, "Catholic cult killeth thy people day."

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Caleb Hille says:

    thanks for the wisdom – as a child named after the spy who conquered the promised land – this shop talk keeps my demons away

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Picobyte says:

    Should I care!?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jeff n says:

    cult recruiting in full force

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jank City Customs says:

    I completely forgot you asked everyone to unsubscribe in that video

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Doe says:

    If only there was a way to hang out with this guy & listen to him tell a story.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leo Mullett says:

    I love the portrait of Sir Francis Bacon

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